It might seem rather obvious that you have to take care of repairing loading docks promptly if the issue is keeping you from receiving deliveries or shipping out products. However, there are other important reasons why it is critical to promptly repair loading docks. Even if you can still manage to load and unload despite a crack or uneven surface, there is a likelihood that the problem will only get worse in time until it reaches a critical point.
Another concern is that a concrete problem could worsen so rapidly that it becomes a dangerous situation. Instead of just needing concrete repair services, you might also need to repair your forklift, deal with a warehouse worker’s medical and loss of income claims after an injury, or have a larger repair to take care of than would have been necessary had you not delayed in calling for repairs.
If you have been delaying a repair to your loading docks because your business operations would be disrupted, the good news is that here at Concrete Uprising, we are happy to provide off-hours concrete repairs for loading docks in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Just let us know when you are the slowest or the hours when you do not accept deliveries and we’ll take care of resolving the problem. Our innovative process doesn’t result in a long downtime like other methods, so your loading docks will be back to safe and reliable operation before you know it. Call today to learn more.